Cando Campground

The Campground is now CLOSED for the Season
The Cando campground is located on the northeast edge of Cando. Go East on 1st St approx. 1/2 mile. This is a State Certified Campground, owned by the City of Cando.
We appreciate your choice of our Campground. All Camp Sites are First Come, First Serve. Feel free to make full use of the facility. Please be a good neighbor - clean up after yourself and respect your fellow campers.
Fees are as follows:
Full and Partial Hookups (using Water, Power, or Sewer)
$25 per day - $150 per week - $450 per month
Primitive Camping (No Utilities)
$15 per day - $75 per week - $225 per month
All camping fees include: use of bathhouse and picnic shelter. Bathhouse has hot showers and complete bathroom facilities. Shelter has electrical hook-up.
Available for rental:
A.) Five (5) full service (water, electricity, sewer)50 amp hookups
B.) Nine (9) W.E. (water, electricity)
C.) Primitive - Tents, etc. (north of bathhouse)
D.) Pavilion - $100 per event; includes $50 refundable deposit with approved clean-up following event.
If you have any questions, please contact us at the number below:
SELF REGISTER with envelopes provided on brown Payment Receptacle. Please pay in advance for expected stay.
Payments cannot be made online or with a credit/debit card. Cash or Check only.
(Fees can be paid at the City office on Main Street, or placed in payment receptacle at the gate)
Call the City Office @ 701-968-3632 Mon-Thu
City Public Works @ 701-303-0033 on weekends, or Towner County Sheriff @ 701-968-4350 after hours
Cando Swimming Pool
Closed for the Season
Check us out on Facebook for any and all upcoming events!
We are located on:
10th Street
Cando, ND 58324
Phone: (701) 968-3430
Daily Fee:
Single Season Pass:
$100.00 for Annual (ice arena and pool)
Family Season Pass:
$150.00 for Annual (ice arena and pool)
Pool Parties:
Swimming Diapers:
Phone numbers to call are:
Sherri Miller at 701-303-0057 or Pool office at 701-968-3430
**As of June 15th, 2018, the Cando Swimming Pool will be having Floaty Fridays at the pool during Open Swim from 1:30pm to 4:50pm. Any and all floaties are allowed from big to small.
**The Cando Pool now offers Cornhole boards that are available for use. To check them out, we're asking $5.00 deposit which will be returned when the boards and bags are returned to the office.

City Park
Bathrooms are OPEN for the Season
The Cando City Park is located just to the South of Main Street in the heart of the City. There are two shelters in the park that include picnic tables. For parties or celebrations, the shelters are first come, first serve.
The park also offers a playground, sand volleyball court, basketball court
and horseshoes.