Hunting in Towner County
Towner County, ND
"Duck Capital of North Dakota"
Towner County is located in the heart of the Prairie Pothole Region of the U.S. The area is home to all the waterfowl species found in the Pothole Region. Mallards, gadwall and blue-winged teal are the most abundant ducks, with several other species of diving and dabbling ducks common in the area. Giant Canadian honkers have been reintroduced and are abudant. Spectacular concentrations of waterfowl can be found each spring and fall. Most notable are the large flocks of snow geese.
The area also provides habitat for many resident species of wildlife, including white-tailed deer, sharp-tailed grouse, Hungarian partridge, pheasants, turkeys and moose.
Check out the "Lodging" section under Businesses for information on lodging available in Towner County.
Flyway Guide Service
Snow, Blue, Canadian Geese & Ducks
$150 per person/per day during October
Appointment preferred - Deposit Required
Chris McConnell
RR 1, Box 79
Rock Lake, ND 58365
(701) 266-5446

Fishing in Towner County
Although the big waters of Devils Lake seem to get all the attention in the area, both Bisbee and Armourdale reservoirs boast excellent summer and winter fishing. Easy access and less fishing pressure make these great locations for family outings. And with the rising waters of Devils Lake, Lake Irvine is producing pike, especially through the ice.
Armourdale Dam -- 9 miles east, 1 1/2 miles north of Rolla. Pike, walleye, perch.
Bisbee Dam - Big Coulee -- 1 miles east of Bisbee. Pike, walleye, perch. Fishing Pier.
Lake Irvine - 1 mile north of Churchs Ferry. Pike, no ramp.