Your City Billed Explained
Effective January 1, 2023
Previous Balance - Previous Balance Due
Receipt - Payment was Made
Water - $12.00 base fee plus the total gallons used @0.0086/gal (8.60/1000)
Sewer - $10.00 base fee plus 0.00325/gal of water usage (3.25/1000)
Garbage S - $20.00/Single
Garbage F - 26.00/Family charge for garbage service
Garbage Xtra - $11.00/Extra Tote
Street Repair - $8.50 fund set up to help with street repair expense
Basic Debt R - Debt retirement charge flat fee of $5.25
Usage Debt - Debt retirement charge based on water usage 0.0028/gal (2.80/1000)
Basic Debt and Usage Debt fees go directly to the payment for refinancing the water plant loan and hooking up to the NorthEast Regional Water.
Cur Charges - Balance due for the current billing cycle
Total Due - Current balance plus outstanding balances due